The Importance of Education for The Future

The Importance of Education for The Future

One of our strategies to combat the ignorance and poverty that exist in Indonesia is education. As everyone knows, a person who attends school already possesses a variety of knowledge about the world.

Indeed, education is available to us whenever and wherever we choose. Thus, this is something that humans ought to be aware of. Education plays a major role in shaping future growth. (Alvira, Furnamasari, and Dewi 2021)

It may affect not just you personally but also the country and the Republic of Indonesia. Formal, non-formal, and informal education are all possible.

University, high school, middle school, elementary school, and non-formal education are a few examples of formal education. Specifically, through enrolling in classes, receiving tutoring, and so forth.

As long as we are committed to pursuing education, it doesn’t matter how we do it. Thus, it has a significant effect on both your and other people’s futures.

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In order for people to be better equipped to prepare for the future and use critical thinking to solve difficulties that arise in their daily lives as a result of schooling.

Our comprehension of education will enable us to assist the government in generating jobs, hence reducing Indonesia’s unemployment rate.

We can benefit greatly by understanding the value of education in a multitude of ways. As a result, we need to start realizing how crucial education is to the survival of our future. (R. Septianingsih, D. Safitri 2023)

As intelligent beings, we ought to be able to comprehend this. Regarding the purpose, nature, and significance of education itself.

Education is an effort to improve the quality of human life. Every human being needs education, whenever and wherever it occurs. Education is the way to educate the nation’s children and welcome a bright future. One of the goals of education is to form a person who is able to compete in the future and is able to develop their potential and talents. (Muhammadiah et al. 2023)

In fact, many young people drop out of school and do not continue their education at a higher level, so that their future is threatened. Education should not be underestimated; apart from being a means to broaden one’s horizons, education can hone one’s ability to solve problems, thus creating better job opportunities.

The purpose of education is to educate and develop the potential of students. That way, it is hoped that the nation’s children will have knowledge, a good personality, creativity, and a sense of responsibility towards themselves. Education is a method of improving the quality of human resources for the nation’s future.

Author: Majdi
Student of Arabic Language Education, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka


Alvira, Salma, Yayang Furi Furnamasari, and Dinie Anggraeni Dewi. 2021. “Pentingnya Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Bagi Generasi Muda Sebagai Agent of Change.” Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai 5(3):9201–7.

Muhammadiah, Mas’ud, M. Badrun Tamam, Tiok Wijanarko, Devin Mahendika, Ian Astarina Mas’ud, Marianus Yufrinalis, and Bekti Setiadi. 2023. “Memberdayakan Pemuda Untuk Masa Depan Yang Lebih Cerah: Memberikan Pendidikan, Bimbingan, Peluang Kerja, Dan Dukungan Kesehatan Mental.” Jurnal Pengabdian West Science 2(05):354–63. doi: 10.58812/jpws.v2i5.375.

R. Septianingsih, D. Safitri, S. Sujarw. 2023. “Cendikia Pendidikan.” Cendekia Pendidikan 1(1):1–13.

Editor: I. Khairunnisa

Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi

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