The Influence of Father’s Mental Health on The Quality of Parenting to Their Children

Father's Mental Health
Ilustration Father's Mental Health (Source: Social Media by

Parenting is the process of caring for and guiding children by parents with the aim of helping children grow and develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually.

Parenting involves a series of activities and decisions that include physical care, education, emotional care, and the development of values and norms.

According to Ceka and Murati (2016) when parents involve themselves in the education process of their children, usually the outcome can be qualified as a positive and encouraging one.

In this regard, they are usually connected and act under their own parental attitudes, which are transmitted through their demonstration of mutual confidentiality regarding the children’s capabilities and their overall learning capacity which leads them towards succeeding over the learning, education as a complex process.

Therefore, parents should get involved in supporting their children in doing their homework, as in this way they offer their parental support as one of the key strategies leading towards a successful education of their children at school.

Educational level of children in the family depends more on the level of the parent’s education, so this factor strongly affects family relationships and the successful development of children.

The role of a father in parenting is very important and has a major impact on the development of children. Fathers serve as behavioral models for children. They learn from the way fathers interact with others, handle stress, solve problems and demonstrate moral values.

Fathers have a role in supporting children’s education. Fathers inspire their children’s interest in certain areas of education. Fathers can also help children build a healthy social circle. This involves teaching social skills, facilitating friendships and supporting children in overcoming social conflicts.

In addition, fathers contribute to teaching moral values, ethics and responsibility to their children and fathers provide financial support to their children. Therefore, the role of fathers is very important to their children’s parenting.

According to Masud et al. (2019) father’s level of education and high care scores for fathers are associated with improved academic outcomes in adolescent students.

According to Ceka and Murati (2016) the father in a family is a very important factor, concerning the organization of a nice and appropriately functional development of a household, with a specific accent on the children.

Helping fathers be the ‘best fathers they can be’ is therefore of enormous importance to children. A god father must be a good parent and a good husband.

This person is extremely important factor in the organization of the family life as a whole, which are the basic ground towards a happily and joyful family for all the members of a respective family. Many young fathers want to do things better than how they have experienced in their lives.

Fathers’ mental health is critical to providing optimal care, support and nurturing to their children. Poor mental health in fathers can impact negatively on their children, their partner and wider society (Baldwin et al., 2018).

Fathers who experience mental health issues may have difficulty expressing emotions appropriately or providing adequate support to children. A poor mental state can also affect one’s ability to communicate effectively, even though good communication between parents and children is essential for understanding and a healthy relationship.

In addition, fathers who experience stress, anxiety or depression may find it difficult to maintain emotional stability at home. Emotional stability can create a safer and more supportive environment for child development.

Mental health issues make it more difficult for dads to engage in nurturing, interactive relationships with their children and partners. When fathers’ mental health declines, the quality of their co-parenting relationships and the well-being of their children also declines (Doherty et al., 2023)

Children who have fathers with good mental health generally experience positive development. Fathers with good mental health are more likely to provide a stable, safe and loving environment for their children.

Parental emotional well-being can also create a strong foundation for children’s development. Conversely, children who have fathers with mental retardation will have a negative impact on their development and even affect them when they grow up to become parents.

According to Mermelshtine and Barnes (2018) although specific paternal parenting practices are less likely to be passed down from one generation to the next, the effects of less affectionate paternal parenting can have implications for boys’ mental health when they become parents.

Author: Nazha Nazlia Al Muntazira
Student Psychology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Editor: Salwa Alifah Yusrina
Bahasa: Rahmat Al Kafi


Baldwin, S., Malone, M., Sandall, J., & Bick, D. (2018). Mental health and wellbeing during the transition to fatherhood: a systematic review of first time fathers’ experiences. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 16(11), 2118.

Ceka, A., & Murati, R. (2016). The Role of Parents in the Education of Children. Journal of Education and practice, 7(5), 61-64.

Doherti, Shari., et al. (2023). Father’s Mental Health Impact On Child Well-Being. Diakses pada

17 Desember 2023, dari Fathers’ Mental Health Impacts on Child Well-Being |

Masud, S., Mufarrih, S. H., Qureshi, N. Q., Khan, F., Khan, S., & Khan, M. N. (2019). Academic performance in adolescent students: the role of parenting styles and socio-demographic factors–a cross sectional study from peshawar, Pakistan. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2497.

Mermelshtine, R., & Barnes, J. (2018). Fathers’ Childhood Experiences, Adult Mental Health Problems and Perceptions of Interactions With Their 36 Month-Old Children. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 8(2), 1-41.

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