Facing Students with Diverse Characteristics

facing students

Etymologically, a teacher is referred to as an educator. In Arabic, there are several words that mean teacher, such as mudarris, mu’allim, and mu’addib, which have the same meaning but different characteristics.

Being a teacher is a professional position; therefore, becoming a teacher is not easy as it requires specific skills and expertise. A teacher has a special duty, which is to provide good educational services to fellow human beings. In essence, being a teacher is a noble task.

Not all students like the subjects taught in school. Sometimes, there are students who only like a few subjects, while some students like all subjects, but this is a rare occurrence.

So, how do we deal with various student behaviors? Well, that is always a challenge for a teacher—finding ways to overcome it to make the learning process more effective, as each student has different abilities and interests.

Teachers are admired and emulated; being a teacher is not just about explaining and delivering material, but what a teacher does, talks about, and conveys is certainly imitated by their students. Because a teacher is a role model, they must be able to change student behavior.

Being a teacher requires having good behavior wherever and whenever the teacher is. A teacher must know or have various different ways of teaching, making sure it’s not monotonous or boring during lessons, so that students willingly participate in joyful and spirited learning.

So, how does a teacher face students with different characteristics? Always be friendly to students; Do not blame students if they do not know what is happening. If a student has indeed made a mistake, advise them gently so that the student does not feel blamed or cornered, but instead understands what they have done; Always offer assistance, as every student needs help from their teacher; Be a teacher who can be a parent at school and a friend to their students at the same time; Always pay attention to your students, as attention is something that makes a student very happy, even if it seems trivial.

Writer: Indah Nur Safitri
College student of IAIN Pekalongan

Source: Menghadapi Siswa yang Mempunyai Karakteristik yang Berbeda-Beda

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